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Cap Corps Mourns the Loss of


It has been one month since we lost Ryan. Below is a note from his mom:   


I am completely overwhelmed and humbled by your pouring out of support.  So many have deeply touched my heart and I cannot thank you enough for your kindness, compassion and generosity.  Some of you I have known for years, while some of you I have never even met.  Yet, your outpouring of love has provided comfort during a time that is more difficult than words can describe.
I am writing this today finding it hard to believe that it has been one month since Ryan was taken from us.  In one split second our world changed. Our family, as we had always known it, is now no longer what we have always known.  It is hard to accept. We all miss Ryan so much. I miss his smile, his laughter, his ability to always make me a better person. The void is profound and we still cannot begin to accept that he will not be coming home and filling our house with his love.  Not a moment goes by that he is not dominating my thoughts.
The past four weeks have been the most difficult of my life.  It pains me to see my husband, Pippo, and my sons, Christian and Evan, trying to navigate our new world that no longer includes Ryan.  It is hard to grasp the senseless manner by which his life was taken.  He was at the prime of his life, doing good in the world, and living his faith.
I want to thank each of you again for your generosity.  Donations sent in Ryan’s name, sympathy cards, prayer offerings, novena offerings, meals, flowers, mass cards and for taking the time to learn more about the story of Ryan and this senseless tragedy. 
Ryan touched many and taught us how to live. I am still hearing stories of his kindness, compassion and how he was never afraid to reach out to people, share a smile and let them know they were cared about. 

The world has lost a beautiful soul. He clearly knew what his purpose on earth was. Ryan lived what he cared about. Let us pray together for peace and an end to this senseless violence. 
With the deepest of appreciation,
Ryan’s Mom, Janet


Ryan, What a joy and a privilege it has been to be your mom. You brought me so much joy and I miss you so much. You enriched my life and taught me so much. We are lost without you. 💔



The Cap Corps community asks for your prayers as we mourn the loss of DC Volunteer Ryan Realbuto, who was killed on January 19th. We ask for your prayers for Ryan, his family, and the Cap Corps community.

Over the last six months Ryan found community with his roommates and the friars and was really enjoying his placement at Don Bosco Cristo Rey High School. His family was so proud of him and delighted that he was so happy. They are grateful for the support, guidance, and growth that was embodied during his time in Cap Corps. Of the gunmen, the Program Director, Margaret McIntyre Stacy stated, “They didn’t take anything [from Ryan and his two community members], other than this man’s life. They didn’t take anything of value, except the most valuable thing.”


Prayers of support can be submitted in the google form below.  It will be shared with the Cap Corps Volunteers and Realbuto Family.  




We invite you to make a donation to the Memorial Fund which will go towards support for the Realbuto family and the volunteers, travel costs, and a future memorial service in Washington, DC here:


Thank you for your prayers and continued support for our community during this difficult time.



Funeral Arrangements:


Friday, January 26th | 2pm - 7pm 

Richard H. Keenan Funeral 


Memorial Mass: 

Saturday, January 27th | 11am

Church of the Transfiguration with Interment following at Pittsford Cemetery 


For those unable to attend in person, the funeral will be live streamed on the parish's website: 




DC Memorial Mass: 

Saturday, February 3rd | 10:30am

Immaculate Conception Church with reception to follow in the school auditorium


If you are unable to attend in person, the memorial mass will be live streamed here: 



“I am praying and will now offer up my current Camino Virtual pilgrimage for Ryan, the Realbuto family, and the Cap Corps family. I am 40 miles into this spiritual journey of 480 miles. As I walk, I will especially pray for the three of you who lived in community with Ryan."
"I am with you always" (Matthew 28:20) 
Fabio A. Hurtado
Cap Corps Volunteer (Baltimore 94-95)


"... I pray that you sense God in the midst of your individual and communal sadness. I pray that that light breaks through to you. I pray that your hearts are healed..."
Gary Adler,
Cap Corps Volunteer (DC 97-98)
“... Lord Jesus, we commend our brother Ryan into your tender and merciful arms. Our grief is overwhelming. A young and caring man cut down in the beginning of his adulthood. Rage and grief are at war inside us. Console us with memories of Ryan’s love, joy, and goodness. Console is with our faith. Ryan is not lost. You are holding him. We will be with him again. He continues to walk with us in surprising ways...”
Don McCrabb
Fr. Mark G. Reamer
“On behalf of the Siena community, we share in your grief and pain in the tragic and horrific death of Ryan. Several of our students had the opportunity to meet Ryan at the Franciscan Justice Leadership Conference -- and of course his enthusiasm for life was contagious. We are sending prayers of healing, comfort and condolence as you mourn the death of Ryan. Our hearts go out to you. May the senseless violence that took his life come to an end."
“We walk with you, sharing your grief, praying for you for the sure emergence of hope and faith, even if it is hidden now. May Jesus, who chose Ryan and all of you to serve his poor, welcome him home and lovingly console your hearts."
With you in His beating Heart,
LAMP Catholic Ministries
“My deepest sympathies to Ryan’s family and to his Cap Corps community. As a former Jesuit Volunteer and former longtime resident of Washington DC, this tragedy hits home in a slightly more personal way than a newspaper headline of senseless violence. I am praying for you all during this time of insurmountable grief, inconceivable loss, incomprehensible death. I am so, so sorry. There are simply no adequate words. If it’s a drop of consolation, there is a whole community of current and former Volunteers—Cap Corps, JVC, and more I’m sure—who are floored by this news and grieving with you and praying for you."
Stephanie Galeota

Our goal as a Catholic service program is to send forth young adults who are transformed by the lived experience of community, service, simplicity and prayer and have gained a greater understanding of the person God has called them to be. The Capuchin Franciscan Volunteer Corps offers men and women the opportunity to serve in full-time positions that uplift the poor, vulnerable and marginalized, while living simply in an intentional community with other volunteers and accompanied by the joyful fellowship of the Capuchin Friars. Embracing the spirituality of St. Francis of Assisi and his example of living the Gospel of Jesus Christ is central to this experience of community and service. 


Kyra Koons

Program Director 




322 Lombardy Rd

Drexel Hill PA, 19026


For more information on the Capuchin Franciscan Friars,  visit



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